Root Canals in Conyers GA
For a thorough and comprehensive root canal procedure in Conyers, GA, be sure to call Conyers Dental Associates at (770) 483-6655.
While the idea of a root canal can immediately conjure nervousness and uncertainty, the process is actually very straightforward and relatively painless. If you’ve ever had a filling using a local anesthetic, the procedure will feel very much the same.
The common root canal procedure not only repairs the tooth but also strengthens it for the future.
While many family dentists do not perform root canals, Dr. William Brunton and the professionals at Conyers Dental Associates can provide this service or refer you to an endodontics specialist. If you need a root canal, let us be your first stop if you live in or near Conyers, GA.
What Is a Root Canal?
Once decay sets deep into a tooth, resulting in pulp damage that causes a bad toothache, a traditional cavity filling or crown will not suffice. Under the hard white enamel and the dentin of your teeth is a soft tissue called “pulp.” A tooth’s inner pulp consists of connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves.
To remove the nerve that’s causing the pain as well as any damaged pulp, a root canal is the best solution. The removal of this substance during a standard root canal is a “pulpectomy,” and it’s a permanent solution that saves the tooth.
A root canal will not only save the tooth from needing an extraction or from further deterioration, but it will eliminate any additional pain or discomfort you may be feeling in the area.
Ideally, you should seek treatment at the first sign of decay. However, if a root canal is necessary, getting the procedure will prevent a full tooth extraction—a surgery and tooth loss that could eventually lead to bone loss in the jaw.
The Root Canal Procedure
Before the endodontist starts the root canal procedure, they inject a very fine needle containing a local anesthetic to numb the entire area around the affected tooth.
They then create an opening by drilling into the tooth, deep enough to make a canal. This allows them to remove the infected tissue from way down in the roots of your tooth.
After thoroughly cleaning it, your endodontist applies a disinfecting agent and then packs the empty roots tightly with a filling substance. This creates a fluid-tight seal that prevents the entry of infections.
Following this procedure, the dentist installs a permanent crown to cap the tooth. A healthy adult tooth continues to live on as the surrounding tissue nourishes it.
The Benefits of a Root Canal
The number one reason to get a root canal is to stop the pain and prevent further infection. The main alternative to a root canal would be extracting the tooth and replacing it with an implant or a bridge. Root canals save teeth, which is significantly better for your mouth than losing them.
This procedure will also leave the jawbone intact, preventing it from degenerating due to tooth loss and infection.
Another benefit to both fillings and root canals is that they prevent infections in cavities from spreading to surrounding teeth.
If you’re experiencing a toothache, be sure to call Conyers Dental Associates at (770) 483-6655 in Conyers, GA.