Conyers Dental Associates in Conyers, GA celebrates a holistic, minimally invasive approach to dentistry. We prioritize proactive efforts that minimize the need for any surgically invasive work, helping ensure that your natural teeth are in great condition for a lifetime. Nutrition plays a major role in both dental health and overall health making it a priority for our patients.
Benefits of Proper Nutrition
Proper nutrition is the one of the most important factors in improving immune system response, reduce inflammation, and improving healing. With a healthy diet that includes low sugar intake, patients can drastically lower their risk for cavities and even gum disease. Lowered sugar intake and a healthy diet also lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other serious health conditions.
The Right Steps Towards Proper Nutrition and a Healthy Diet
We offer blood tests for all of our patients that can identify your immune response to certain foods and environmental factors that can trigger inflammation. This is very important when we’re dealing with chronic joint pain or periodontal disease. Our team can also help you identify sources of acid– either internal, GERD, or external sources from food and beverage. Reducing acidic exposure can improve the longevity of your teeth and reduce your risk for cavities.
Our Health-Centered Approach to Nutrition at Conyers Dental Associates
Our health-centered approach to nutrition at our practice in Conyers, GA focuses on empowering you with information so you can achieve all the benefits of proper nutrition to take control of your dental health. We believe that by providing you with high-quality professional care, educating you on dental-related matters, and supporting you through ongoing coaching, we can help you reach optimal dental health through proper nutrition. Good health is truly the greatest wealth that one can possess in life. For more information regarding our approach to nutrition and optimal oral health, please contact us and schedule your appointment today!